How does a good coffee taste? A good question, but almost impossible to answer. There are many opinions, depending on which country you put the question to. As JEDE wants to satisfy as many coffee drinkers as possible, we have about 25 different roasts and blends in our range. We have selected from the very best coffee beans to make it possible to offer coffee of the highest quality. On our coffee page you will find some of our blends, There are more. Many more.
   President (Gold) An ordinary coffee
with rich character.
   Santos A rich coffee with
a certain freshness.
   Cappuccino A light rich coffee
with a touch of chocolate.
   Gran Aroma Deep, rich dark roast coffee.  
   Espresso A strong, rich coffee with
a strong aftertaste.
   Espresso Grande The strength and the body of
an Italian espresso with a
wonderful frothy head.
   DeCafé A medium dark roast coffee
with body and richness,